Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow!

We've had our first significant snowfall of Robert's life (isn't that amazing? It's his 3rd winter!) and he is, in typical Robert fashion, not quite sure about it. One the one hand it is very interesting, and different, and MIGHT be fun. On the other hand, it is cold and wet and sticks to his gloves. And that's not so good. But we went out for a walk yesterday and I got these pictures.

All bundled up in our snow coat and pants... but no boots. Need boots.

Ok, I'm kind of cold and wet and ready to go home.

Gratuitous shot of our lightpole.. thought it was pretty.

Those of you who don't see Robert on a regular basis haven't gotten to share in the joy that is our most recent haircut. Robert does not like to get his hair cut and despite Rob's and the barber's efforts, his new "hair do" is a "hair don't." I think Mama will be cutting his hair in the future, between therapy visits to resolve his trauma at being held down and having sharp, pointy, noisy things applied to his head.

Yes, this IS what it really looks like. And that's after I've started to repair the damage.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We've had a number of run ins with the Red And White One, and Robert isn't a fan. He doesn't mind looking at Santa from a distance ("Das Santa!") but when asked if he wants to go see Santa he emphatically assures you he doesn't. He did enjoy going to see the penguin (if not Santa) at the Aviary.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Well, okay then

Robert's teacher sent this from school today. She said, "Did you make a train Robert?" And he said, "No, it's a chicken train."

Cute, no?

Monday, October 26, 2009

I hot dog you, too.

In the vein of my cousin Bridget, let me relate to you, Gentle Reader, a scene from this evening. I teased Robert before dinner that if he'd tell me he loved me that I'd make him a hot dog for dinner. Being his typically 2-year-old self, he giggled and refused to say it. Later, after dinner, he ran up to me, threw his arms around my leg and sincerely declared, "I hot dog you, Mama. I hot dog you."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This little piggy...

...has swine flu. Or something like it. The pediatrician helpfully said (of the EPIDEMIC of 103 degree fevers, sore throats, headache and cough calls they have been inundated with to the point it takes 3 hours to get a call-back), "well, it certainly is flu-LIKE," I suppose in a misguided attempt to a.) keep parents from panicking and b.) keep parents from finding more competent pediatrician since the vaccine has been out for 3 weeks and my pediatricians STILL. DON'T. HAVE. IT.

So far, Robert is holding his own, slightly more cranky (ok, a lot more cranky) than usual, but as long as the Motrin is at therapeutic levels he's ok. I'm experimenting with alternating the Tylenol with the Motrin to try to get us over the hump, so we'll hope that helps. And that today is the last day of the fever... I've heard from some other parents that it's only going about 3 days.

Off to slop the little hog...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday

...little one. I can't tell you how happy I am you came to live with us. Hugs and kisses forever.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our CA trip Part One

I finally got my camera back and the picture off loaded, so here is a recap of our CA trip. We left on Tuesday to take the late flight out to LA. We're lucky to even have a direct flight after US Air once again screwed Pittsburgh over and pulled our
direct flights to CA. Fortunately, United picked up the routes. We had an easy time at the PA airport and our gate happened to be right next to the very nice play area at the airport. Robert had a lot of fun looking at the planes and yelling "Airplane" every 10 seconds (like his cousin Emmett, apparently).
We got on the plane with lots of help with Uncle Jacob and got Robert strappe
d into his seat. We could have had him travel "on lap" but that would have been insane. Robert wasn't a big fan of takeoff, but after I closed the window blind he was fine.

We landed in LA an hour early which was good because the rental cars weren't at the airport and getting to the rental car place took a bit of time. Robert was very tired at that point and not sure about the whole trip at that point, but we got to the hotel and got to bed by about 1 am our time. After a fairly short night of sleep, we headed on down to San Clemente to see Uncle Joe.

We had a nice day with Uncle Joe and Maryanne but had to head back to L A early because Robert had an upset tummy and had gone through the 6 diapers I had brought. :) But we had probably wreaked enough havoc on the reti
red folks for one day as it was. We went swimming that afternoon, went to dinner at California Pizza kitchen, and had a nice evening with my friend Matt.

Thursday we went to Manhattan Beach to introduce Robert (and Jacob) to the Pacific. Robert LOVES the beach and had to be bodily dragged back to the car to catch the flight to San Francisco.

More on the NorCal part of the trip soon!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

California Adventure

We are back and somewhat recovered from our 5 day California adventure. Mom has my camera, so I don't have pictures to post yet, but here is one from my cell phone, taken at the pool at the hotel in LA.
I think my favorite part might be Uncle Jacob, hatted, jeaned, and booted, reading by the pool in the 102 degree heat.

More pics, including Robert with his almost-95-year-old Great Uncle Joe soon.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Crackpots and These Women

Robert and his ladyfriends at this year's Edgewood Day Parade.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

well now, that's a first...

So, Robert has been talking more and more and it comes out in really funny ways sometimes. The last week or so, as we've been reading our two books before bed at night, when I finish a book he says "one more book?" in an effort to delay going to bed (which is also new-- he used to LOVE going to bed.) Tonight as I finished singing him a song he looked up at me and said "One more song?" Now, no one on the face of the earth has ever asked me to KEEP singing-- this kid is either tone deaf or really desperate not to go to bed.

But it was so cute that he did get "one more song."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our first trip to Idlewild

Robert and I went to Idlewild today. I hadn't been there in, well, I think Andrew, Kevin, and Sam were 8, 6, and 4, so that was what, 14 years ago? I am happy to report that nothing has changed in the intervening time except that I got older. Anyway, we had a great time after I figured out that putting my 22-month-old child on the rides by himself was only going to end in tears and emergency stoppage and rescuing. We rode a couple rides together, and I figure it won't take more than a couple years in therapy to work out the neuroses I created today.
First ride, right before it all went terribly wrong.

We rode the little train around the park and he LOVED that. And we got a couple good pics, which I loved.

Best picture of me taken in a long time... too bad Robert looked so cranky, but he had just literally had the you-know-what scared out of him.

But 5 minutes on the train makes it all better.

We had lunch and then went to the waterpark. Now, there is a reason why Idlewild has been voted the second best park for kids in the world; the waterpark was huge and fantastic, and had a great little kids's area. Robert wasn't sure about it at first, but he warmed up to it fast.

See you next year, Idlewild. We will definitely be back!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Robert's first beheading...

I walked in to the house tonight after shucking (now there's a word you have to type carefully) corn and Rob said to me, "I never knew how inappropriate Tom and Jerry was for kids." So he starts telling me how he was letting Robert watch Tom and Jerry until Jerry (or was it Tom?) started chasing with a meat cleaver the really cute duck and mouse that Robert had been watching . He turned it off right as Jerry (or was it Tom?) was successful at beheading Robert's new little friends. Robert was not best pleased. "More duck n' mouse! More duck n' mouse!" Duck and Mouse were all we heard all evening until the corn on the cob arrived at the table. Then it was "more corn, more corn" but somehow I don't have the same soft spot in my heart for the corn as I did for the little animated duck and mouse...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Insert title here

It has finally come to a bulleted post.

  • Robert is singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Ring Around the Rosie" now, complete with hand gestures and falling down at the end. It is very cute, except that he insists on singing them in the grocery store and on me singing too. The other shoppers just LOVE this.
  • We gave him shrimp tonight for dinner and he didn't immediately go into anaphylactic shock. I think this means we are officially clear of any of the food allergies, though I know they can develop later. I made them give him peanut butter for the first time at school, since they have an epi pen and a defibrillator there. I am such a wuss.
  • He is growing out of his sandals (that were SO big in May) and I am too cheap to buy him new ones. I guess we'll hope for an early fall!
  • He insists on saying "hi" to everyone he sees, and continues to repeat it more and more loudly until they respond to him. This gets very old at the store.
OK, now for a pictures:

Blowing bubbles with Grandma at the farm

At the zoo...

Sleeping with his three favorite things, "baba," "Doogas," and "gof cub"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad Mommy. No posts.

Oh well.  So here we are, at the end of July.  Robert is (almost) 22 months old.  How hard is that to believe?  Anyway, pretty soon I have to switch to years instead of months for counting.  And then I won't have a baby anymore.  :-(  Or :-), depending on how you look at it.

So, in the vein of not having a baby, Robert is now singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (and people OTHER than me can identify it as such, and "Ashes, ashes we all fall DOWN" (but not "Ring around the rosie..."  He also is counting, or, sorta.  Mostly he's saying "Two, Three, Five", but I think that just means he has a future in corporate accounting.    I will try to get these on video, but he won't do it on command yet, so wish me luck.

So, enough of my ramblings.  Here's what you've been waiting for:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

At 9:00 pm, I think-- I THINK-- the baby is asleep.  I think the light of the longest day was keeping him awake, as well as being wound up from a day with both sets of grandparents and lots of running around at the farm. Anyway, here are are a few more beach pictures... a month later, I guess.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life's a Beach

Digging in the sand with Daddy

So. Darn. Cute.

"Mama, I'm tired and want my dinner."

We're packing up and heading out tomorrow, but I have pictures to last for weeks.  We're exhausted after 6 nights in the same room, and I think there will be nothing so lovely at home as Robert's crib.  But he has had such a good time with his Daddy's family and with the pool, beach, ocean and biking.  He started out the week crying hysterically if anyone but Rob had him in the pool or the ocean-- today he swam with me in the pool and (miracle of miracles) his Uncle James in the ocean.  I'm really happy he's so comfortable in the water since I'm planning on the pool at the gym and our neighborhood club to be a HUGE (as Paris would say) part of our summer.  

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fun fun!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Camera!

I'm sure you all have been desperately hoping for a new blog post, and I hate to disappoint my legion of fans.  So here we are.  But today you will have to be happy with doggie pictures, because Blogger is being a big pain.  So, here are some pictures  of our long-suffering dog:

Isn't he cute?  

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In leu of a new post (still working out the camera issues)

As you all know, we had a hard time getting pregnant.  Someone once said that having a baby is a cure for childlessness, but infertility is forever.  Maybe that is why I find this video so hilarious-- and true. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day

I got a new camera for Mothers' Day, so it may be a few days before I get some pics up.   But they might actually be in focus!

Hope all the mommies had  a great day.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Be be be be beed... that's all folks.

For those of you playing along at home, I actually graduated (or was graduated, depending on you level of English-analness) Saturday.  And while I usually reserve this blog space for Robert-related stories, I feel the need to post this picture:

Of course, this leads me in somewhat of a quandary, and the identity crisis is already beginning.  "So," people say, "what's next?"  "Do you have a job?"  "What are you looking for?"  I know a few of my many, many (ok, four) readers have recently been in/are in this same situation, so I will throw it out there.  What am I doing next?  I kinda wanted to take the summer off, be home with Robert, organize the closets and spend time at the pool.  Problem is, it has been one day-- ok, 7 hours-- and I'm bored, identity-less, and wondering what the hell am I doing?  I have to go in tomorrow and clean out my office and what am I going to do with that stuff?  How can I not have an office?  How can I not have somewhere to be?  No co-workers?  And, in this economy, where would I even go about getting an office, if I wanted one?!?! One that only wanted me 20 hours a week, with flexible hours and enough moolah to make paying for daycare worthwhile? Arrrrgh!

I realize how whiney this sounds with so many people desperate for work to put food on the table, or desperate to get home in time to at least SEE the baby before he goes to bed.  And if I have learned one thing in the last 18 months, it is that there is no right way to do things, and every decision comes with an opportunity cost.  But, if I may indulge in a little self-analysis right now (and hey, it IS my blog), I have a hard time with transitions.  So any advice, sympathy, or words of encouragement written on the back of a crisp, new Benjamin Franklin and sent my way would be very appreciated!

And just to cover my bases, here is a preview of 17 years from now.  Hopefully I will have figured my work life out by then...
(When they say "one size fits all" on the cap, the really do mean it!)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Two words

We've been anxiously awaiting the language explosion that the books keep talking about, and I think it might be upon us.  Today, at Robert's gymnastics class, he was playing in the ball pit.  (Exactly how that is gymnastics I don't know, but it's just supposed to be fun.)  He held up a green ball and said "Green ball."  And then proceeded to name all the other colors (including orange!) in the ball pit.  Guess it is time to start watching our language!  Oh, er, rats!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

All's quiet on the Pittsburgh front

It has been a very hectic week here as I've tried to finish up all the last minute details for graduation, so I haven't been very bloggy.  Robert is doing much, much better and the antibiotics seem to be doing their job.  I was quite irritated today to learn (and I've done some research on the web to confirm this) that the Omnicef that he's taking for the sinus infection/cellulitis will also treat the pink eye that I have been giving him drops 3 times a day for a week for.  I suppose the pediatrician just thought it would be fun for me to unnecessarily torture my 18 month old with drops-- or she skipped pharmacology in med school.   I'm not sure which scenario makes me more unhappy.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Robert woke up this morning with his left eye swollen shut.  After a hasty phone call with the pediatrician (ok, I freaked out) we got him scheduled in for an appointment this morning.  He has prefrontal cellulitis, brought on by (another) sinus infection, which can turn into something serious.  So we're back on antibiotics (there should be a frequent flyer card) and hoping for improvements soon.  Poor little dude looks like the elephant man right now (which might be an insult to the elephant man) but he's being a stand up baby about the whole thing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wrapping up Easter

Rob's dad just sent the Easter pictures and they make me so sorry I missed Easter morning.  Robert got to "find" the Easter basket. Somehow, I don't think it was too challenging, but give Rob's parents time because those people are the most maniacal  Easter basket hiders of all time.  One time Rob's was up the chimney, another it was in the trash.  The last time they hid a basket for us (which was, er, 2 years ago), it was hung on an hanger under an old Halloween costume in one of the 7 closets in their house.  These people are gifted-- or evil.  But anyway, they let Robert off easy this year and he quickly discovered the basket.

Even though Mama doesn't think that 18 month olds need to eat candy, but I have a feeling that what happened in Lancaster stayed in Lancaster.  Except for the photographic evidence. 

On the upside, I don't think that he looks like he's enjoying it very much.  Which means more candy for us!  Score!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A placeholder post while we wait for the Easter Bunny to come

Rob and Robert are in Lancaster at Rob's folks for Easter.  I'm home with this fever-thing still, so I don't have any Easter pics yet to put up.  But, we've been better about taking pictures recently, so I thought I'd just throw out a couple random pics until the boys (and the camera) come home...  Also, I need to show off his new haircut, courtesy of Salon de Mama.  Nick Arrojo may not be quaking in his boots, but it was free and, I am most proud to say, completely tear-free.  Which is more than the local barber can say on either count.  

I went home about a month ago to give Rob a couple of days at home by himself (which we have discovered to be the ultimate luxury).  Robert had a very good time making Grandpa read him silly books over and over (and over)...
Last weekend, Rob's parents came for a comando-style new front door install.  It was an in-and-out trip, but probably would have gone much faster if Robert hadn't been such a "help."
And just because I think it is fun to see how much he's changed, here's a picture from  a year ago, when I had a 6 month old, not an 18 month old!  I wish I could go back and kiss those little cheeks for just a minute...  but we are finding life with a toddler to be much more manageable (and interesting) than life with an infant.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

The first of the ridiculously cute Easter posts

Easter is in the air and I never fully appreciated before how many opportunities for adorableness the holiday presented.  On Saturday our town had its annual easter egg hunt where the kiddies all go to the park and "hunt" for easter eggs.  I use the term hunt loosely, since the very flat field has been carpet-bombed with about six million plastic easter eggs, and even a goldfish could find a few to float around in its bowl.  No word from Al Gore on the carbon footprint of this event, but we saved our eggs and will take them back for next year. Anyway, Rob took Robert (since I'm still battling this fever-whatever-thing) and they had a good time.

An unexpected bonus from the egg hunt was that the eggs were filled with toys and candy.  Now the toys were highly unsuitable for the under 3 crowd, so they got pitched, but I had no problem eating the candy.   Hey, I brush my teeth without complaining or biting, so I get candy.  One of these days, he's going to figure that out.

Today, at Parent's Morning Out (aren't we progressive?!?) Robert colored his first easter egg.  Now, I have long said that this church has the best possible children's programming offered anywhere, by the best, most loving people.  Today, I would like to either add "saint-like" or "crazy" to that description.  Seriously, who colors eggs with 10 infants and toddlers?  But Robert was very, very proud of his little egg, and honestly, I think it's pretty cute too!

A few people have made it a point to ask, so let me just say that yes, I did successfully defend my dissertation (thank you for caring).  I am hoping to be able to get the changes made and the paperwork pushed through in time for April graduation, but at this point that is going to depend on what course the fever takes.  We're coming up on 3 weeks of being sick, and if it doesn't end soon I am going to probably not get a chance to finish in time.  So, while I usually just talk about Robert here, I'd ask for healing thoughts to be sent my way, if you have a moment to spare.  And Rob could probably use some extra time and patience thrown his way, since he's had to pick up a lot of the slack around here.   This last month has made me feel incredible sympathy for single parents, who surely have the hardest job in the world.

It's just Monday, so stay tuned for the continuation of Easter cuteness!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ride 'em Duckboy

Robert got a wonderful surprise in the mail this week from his godmother Tara.   I'm sorry she didn't get to actually see him on this (it came the day after she left to go to SXSW) but here is a little video of him enjoying his new gift:

Thank you Aunt Tara.  Come see us again soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Robert got an amazing St. Patrick's Day gift today from his godmother Tara.  I'll have to put pictures up as soon as I get them, but this was a picture from  a similar scene earlier this week, with a different box:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th!

Here at Moose Manner we are the proud owners of a brand new 17-month-old Moose.  Yea!  The days just go faster and faster.  Robert continues to be a very happy, easy going child (recessive genes, apparently) and really a delight to be around.  He's sleeping great-- 13 hours at night, 2 during the day-- and eating like a little piggy.  This week I made a 3 egg, two piece of cheese omelet, thinking we would share it, and he at the whole thing.  And then a cup of applesauce!  
Wish I had some funny things he said to report, but he's still not talking very much.  He's starting to repeat words, but mostly only says people's names (he's started saying "Grandma" and "Grandpa," though, to be fair, not necessarily in connection with said grandparents) and animal sounds. I will try to get a video of him making the chicken noise because he does the little arm movements too.   

We've been going to a gym class (Diaper Gym) for about a year, and he really loves it.  Here are a couple pics from a recent (ok, judging by the hearts, a not-so-recent) session... 
Gym class has been really good for him, though if I had to do it all over again I might not have started him quite so early.  He is just now really getting into climbing up ladders, walking across beams, etc.  He doesn't like to swing on the trapezes, but does like to flip on the bar.  Of course, I don't have pictures of any of that stuff, because I can't hold onto him and the camera at the same time!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, it hasn't been quite a month...

Sorry for the lack of communication.  My dissertation goes to the full committee tomorrow in preparation for the defense March 20, so I've been a little busy.  And I've misplaced our camera, so I don't even have any good pics to put up.  

Robert is doing well and transitioned to the toddler room at daycare about 3 weeks ago.  It's been a little bit of a rough go since he is the youngest in the class, but he's learning to eat when food is available and hold out for nap a little bit longer.  He's starting to repeat words, and is very into making animal sounds.  Except for "oink," which he just can't seem to figure out, so he "baaas" for the pig too.  Which really makes no sense unless you know that the pig is directly after the sheep page in the Touch and Feel Farm Animal book.  And even then I'm not so sure...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yea, Pics!

Ok, so I finally downloaded the pictures off my camera for the last 6 weeks.  So below will be some picsation sensation.  Anyway, we're all doing ok here, and Robert's snot level has gone from Katrina back down to Tropical Depression 5231.  Which is a happy thing.  

Tonight I put together the first of thousands of holiday crafty things for various school functions.  We have Robert's gymnastics class in the morning  and the kids are supposed to dress in red and bring little valentines. While I personally think that 16 month olds don't really need to be buying into the whole Valentine's Day thing, I'm going to look like Mama McScrooge if I don't bring something, so I put together these little buckets:

They have Annie's Cheddar Bunnies (think Goldfish crackers, but organic) in little Valentine's Day buckets I picked up at Big Lots for $1.50/4.  The little cards say (prepare to gag) "Somebunny is wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day."   I really couldn't come up with anything better, since the kids are too young for candy.

Here are a couple cute pics from the last couple of weeks....

 I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be doing... see how cute I am?


Having fun at the Toy Lending Library...

Rockin' out with the drums at the Toy Lending Library.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ugh... has it been that long?

Since I posted?  Sigh.  Well, what can you expect from a mama who is 6 weeks away from defending her dissertation?  

Robert is sick (again) and got sent home from daycare yesterday for, well, let's just say that the word "explosive" was used and leave it at that.  You other parents will know what I mean.  Fortunately, Grandma Madison (wow-- that's weird-- Grandma Madison was MY grandma Ro, who has been dead for nearly a decade) was on hand, and so the day wasn't completely shot to hell.  And Robert LOVES him some grandma-- Mama is NOTHING compared to Grandma (who doesn't let him get away with as much as he  thinks she does).  Anyway, we're in survival mode here, and hopefully some semi-regular blogging will return after Mama becomes Dr. Mama (fingers crossed).

I'm sure others will see developmental leaps, but I feel like we're in a holding pattern.  He is babbling, and has "words" (consonant b,d, or m +vowel o or a) for things, but not much anyone else would recognize as a word.  He has definitely caught up on the walking and now will run and kick a ball and pull a toy behind him.   He also has grown a phenomenal amount so that at (still)  15 months he is well into all his 24 month clothes.  I guess I'm just impatient for him to talk, though in 6 months I'm sure I'll be wishing he would just shut up for a minute.  Signing is back and forth-- he'll pop out a new sign and then the next day look at me like he has no idea how to do it.  But despite his constant cough/runny nose, he is so laid-back and sweet that I have to wonder if he is actually mine-- I often find myself whining more than he does about how bad I feel.  What a little trooper... I hope, as many friends have suggested, that we're going to see the turning point soon with all these upper respiratory infections, for his sake at least. 

I'll try to post some pics soon... it's been hard to get good ones lately and I think I may need to drop some of the scarce coinage on a new camera.   Anyway, much love out to the blogosphere, and I hope everyone else is weathering February well.  

Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Christmas!

We're recovering from the holiday-off-scheduleness and Robert and I are both on the mend from bad colds that turned into ear infections and a sinus infection for Robert (again!) and pneumonia for me.  I think everyone is glad to be back to school and work-- "vacations" aren't much of a vacation with or for a toddler! 

Anyway, here are some pics from our Christmas morning at the Farm:

Robert in a rare shot with Grandpa "helping" him open a present

With Great-Aunt Carol, trying to get her cane (one of his FAVORITE toys)!

And a picture from this morning, which shows why we shouldn't have bothered buying Robert Christmas presents at all!