Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it snow!

We've had our first significant snowfall of Robert's life (isn't that amazing? It's his 3rd winter!) and he is, in typical Robert fashion, not quite sure about it. One the one hand it is very interesting, and different, and MIGHT be fun. On the other hand, it is cold and wet and sticks to his gloves. And that's not so good. But we went out for a walk yesterday and I got these pictures.

All bundled up in our snow coat and pants... but no boots. Need boots.

Ok, I'm kind of cold and wet and ready to go home.

Gratuitous shot of our lightpole.. thought it was pretty.

Those of you who don't see Robert on a regular basis haven't gotten to share in the joy that is our most recent haircut. Robert does not like to get his hair cut and despite Rob's and the barber's efforts, his new "hair do" is a "hair don't." I think Mama will be cutting his hair in the future, between therapy visits to resolve his trauma at being held down and having sharp, pointy, noisy things applied to his head.

Yes, this IS what it really looks like. And that's after I've started to repair the damage.

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