Sunday, January 3, 2010

The stomach flu edition

We've all been down with the stomach flu so here's the short version of the last couple of weeks:
  • Christmas was good, though Robert was very impatient with the whole unwrapping-presents thing, and spent a good bit of the time under the dining room table playing with tissue paper. People foolishly bought him nice presents when they could have just wrapped up boxes with tissue paper.
  • Robert is talking up a storm. "Come over here and sit down, Mama." "I put a banana in my pocket." "That's so silly, Mama." (This in response to me trying to put his socks on his hands, which, was, in fact, too silly. But so is putting a banana in your pocket, little man.)
  • His sleeping schedule has been really screwed up since the whole stomach flu. Last night he didn't go to bed until 11, and it's 9 am and he's still asleep. And, of course, I should go wake him up, but 90210 is on...
  • We've had 4 weeks of sinus infections, ear infections, the stomach flu. I'm ready for a little bit of healthy, happy Robert time.

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