Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yea, Pics!

Ok, so I finally downloaded the pictures off my camera for the last 6 weeks.  So below will be some picsation sensation.  Anyway, we're all doing ok here, and Robert's snot level has gone from Katrina back down to Tropical Depression 5231.  Which is a happy thing.  

Tonight I put together the first of thousands of holiday crafty things for various school functions.  We have Robert's gymnastics class in the morning  and the kids are supposed to dress in red and bring little valentines. While I personally think that 16 month olds don't really need to be buying into the whole Valentine's Day thing, I'm going to look like Mama McScrooge if I don't bring something, so I put together these little buckets:

They have Annie's Cheddar Bunnies (think Goldfish crackers, but organic) in little Valentine's Day buckets I picked up at Big Lots for $1.50/4.  The little cards say (prepare to gag) "Somebunny is wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day."   I really couldn't come up with anything better, since the kids are too young for candy.

Here are a couple cute pics from the last couple of weeks....

 I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be doing... see how cute I am?


Having fun at the Toy Lending Library...

Rockin' out with the drums at the Toy Lending Library.

1 comment:

Lise M. said...

Glad to see more pictures of "the boy" - what a cutie! and I liked your Valentines - but I'm a sucker for puns, even bad ones.