Friday, February 6, 2009

Ugh... has it been that long?

Since I posted?  Sigh.  Well, what can you expect from a mama who is 6 weeks away from defending her dissertation?  

Robert is sick (again) and got sent home from daycare yesterday for, well, let's just say that the word "explosive" was used and leave it at that.  You other parents will know what I mean.  Fortunately, Grandma Madison (wow-- that's weird-- Grandma Madison was MY grandma Ro, who has been dead for nearly a decade) was on hand, and so the day wasn't completely shot to hell.  And Robert LOVES him some grandma-- Mama is NOTHING compared to Grandma (who doesn't let him get away with as much as he  thinks she does).  Anyway, we're in survival mode here, and hopefully some semi-regular blogging will return after Mama becomes Dr. Mama (fingers crossed).

I'm sure others will see developmental leaps, but I feel like we're in a holding pattern.  He is babbling, and has "words" (consonant b,d, or m +vowel o or a) for things, but not much anyone else would recognize as a word.  He has definitely caught up on the walking and now will run and kick a ball and pull a toy behind him.   He also has grown a phenomenal amount so that at (still)  15 months he is well into all his 24 month clothes.  I guess I'm just impatient for him to talk, though in 6 months I'm sure I'll be wishing he would just shut up for a minute.  Signing is back and forth-- he'll pop out a new sign and then the next day look at me like he has no idea how to do it.  But despite his constant cough/runny nose, he is so laid-back and sweet that I have to wonder if he is actually mine-- I often find myself whining more than he does about how bad I feel.  What a little trooper... I hope, as many friends have suggested, that we're going to see the turning point soon with all these upper respiratory infections, for his sake at least. 

I'll try to post some pics soon... it's been hard to get good ones lately and I think I may need to drop some of the scarce coinage on a new camera.   Anyway, much love out to the blogosphere, and I hope everyone else is weathering February well.  

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