Saturday, April 11, 2009

A placeholder post while we wait for the Easter Bunny to come

Rob and Robert are in Lancaster at Rob's folks for Easter.  I'm home with this fever-thing still, so I don't have any Easter pics yet to put up.  But, we've been better about taking pictures recently, so I thought I'd just throw out a couple random pics until the boys (and the camera) come home...  Also, I need to show off his new haircut, courtesy of Salon de Mama.  Nick Arrojo may not be quaking in his boots, but it was free and, I am most proud to say, completely tear-free.  Which is more than the local barber can say on either count.  

I went home about a month ago to give Rob a couple of days at home by himself (which we have discovered to be the ultimate luxury).  Robert had a very good time making Grandpa read him silly books over and over (and over)...
Last weekend, Rob's parents came for a comando-style new front door install.  It was an in-and-out trip, but probably would have gone much faster if Robert hadn't been such a "help."
And just because I think it is fun to see how much he's changed, here's a picture from  a year ago, when I had a 6 month old, not an 18 month old!  I wish I could go back and kiss those little cheeks for just a minute...  but we are finding life with a toddler to be much more manageable (and interesting) than life with an infant.  

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