Wish I had some funny things he said to report, but he's still not talking very much. He's starting to repeat words, but mostly only says people's names (he's started saying "Grandma" and "Grandpa," though, to be fair, not necessarily in connection with said grandparents) and animal sounds. I will try to get a video of him making the chicken noise because he does the little arm movements too.
We've been going to a gym class (Diaper Gym) for about a year, and he really loves it. Here are a couple pics from a recent (ok, judging by the hearts, a not-so-recent) session... 

Gym class has been really good for him, though if I had to do it all over again I might not have started him quite so early. He is just now really getting into climbing up ladders, walking across beams, etc. He doesn't like to swing on the trapezes, but does like to flip on the bar. Of course, I don't have pictures of any of that stuff, because I can't hold onto him and the camera at the same time!
1 comment:
Yeah for Robert.......and his mother for the post!!
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