Saturday, July 16, 2011

Anybody out there?

Wow, it has been a long time since I've posted.  Gesh.  Life got super busy when I went back to work full time and things like taking pictures, finding the cord to download them, and then writing blog posts and uploading them got prioritized somewhere under scrubbing poop out of underwear and finding missing puzzle pieces.  Anyway, as that we have totally given up on potty training, and now don't have to scrub underwear anymore, I'll try to get back a bit to blogging.

Robert is "free n quarters" now, or 3 3/4 for those of you who speak regular English.  I was reading in "Happiest Toddler on the Block" recently that tantrums peak at about 3 1/2 and hope that Robert reads that sometime soon, because we are still having some doozies when he gets tired.  He's been home all week with a sinus infection (+ virus?) so I was totally blessed to have Mom and Carol come not only once, but twice!  So I got some work done AND 4 free meals prepared AND tons of laundry and ironing done.  Hmmm... maybe Robert should be sick more often? (Not that that would even be possible....)

Ok, I know what you all want, and here you go...
Robert on Ralph Bell's bird walk... He was a bit young, but Ralph is 96, so we decided not to chance it, ya'know?

There's Ralph, in the middle, leading the bird walk.  He held up much better than my cranky 3 year old.

Robert and his girlfriend Lili, on a hike at Frick Park this Spring.    They pretty much are that adorable together.

Rob took Robert to the PA Farm Show this year.  Think that will be a permanent date for them-- not sure who loved it more?

Robert feeling VERY brave standing that close to cows.  

First trip to the Dentist.  He was a CHAMP!

Anyway, sorry for the delay in posting, and I'll try to be better for the rest of the summer anyway.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah!! A return to the blog! Thanks!!