Monday, November 29, 2010

So what if it's almost Christmas?

Ok, so they are selling Christmas trees accross the street and I don't have Halloween pictures up yet.  I'm not sure if I should continue the blog, now that everyone is on Facebook, or not?  Thoughts?  Anyway, here is our Firefighter at Halloween:

He had a great time trick or treating with Lili next door.  This was the first year the kids made it up all the way through Trick or Treating and had a blast playing out in the driveway.  It was a bit cold, but they didn't seem to mind.

Robert is very, very chatty these days and is starting to understand grammar.  He corrects himself sometimes and is mostly saying "you and I" instead of "you and me"-- very cute.  We had a rough transition to the Preschool Room at school, but he seems to be settling in and they are doing lots of pre-reading work.  He knows all his letters and is starting to associate the sounds that some of them make with the letters.  

Friday we take him to see Santa-- maybe I'll get some pictures up from that before Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...

No surprise, I love the blog 11

Anonymous said...

Of course you should keep posting. There is never too much Robert for Grandma!