Monday, April 6, 2009

The first of the ridiculously cute Easter posts

Easter is in the air and I never fully appreciated before how many opportunities for adorableness the holiday presented.  On Saturday our town had its annual easter egg hunt where the kiddies all go to the park and "hunt" for easter eggs.  I use the term hunt loosely, since the very flat field has been carpet-bombed with about six million plastic easter eggs, and even a goldfish could find a few to float around in its bowl.  No word from Al Gore on the carbon footprint of this event, but we saved our eggs and will take them back for next year. Anyway, Rob took Robert (since I'm still battling this fever-whatever-thing) and they had a good time.

An unexpected bonus from the egg hunt was that the eggs were filled with toys and candy.  Now the toys were highly unsuitable for the under 3 crowd, so they got pitched, but I had no problem eating the candy.   Hey, I brush my teeth without complaining or biting, so I get candy.  One of these days, he's going to figure that out.

Today, at Parent's Morning Out (aren't we progressive?!?) Robert colored his first easter egg.  Now, I have long said that this church has the best possible children's programming offered anywhere, by the best, most loving people.  Today, I would like to either add "saint-like" or "crazy" to that description.  Seriously, who colors eggs with 10 infants and toddlers?  But Robert was very, very proud of his little egg, and honestly, I think it's pretty cute too!

A few people have made it a point to ask, so let me just say that yes, I did successfully defend my dissertation (thank you for caring).  I am hoping to be able to get the changes made and the paperwork pushed through in time for April graduation, but at this point that is going to depend on what course the fever takes.  We're coming up on 3 weeks of being sick, and if it doesn't end soon I am going to probably not get a chance to finish in time.  So, while I usually just talk about Robert here, I'd ask for healing thoughts to be sent my way, if you have a moment to spare.  And Rob could probably use some extra time and patience thrown his way, since he's had to pick up a lot of the slack around here.   This last month has made me feel incredible sympathy for single parents, who surely have the hardest job in the world.

It's just Monday, so stay tuned for the continuation of Easter cuteness!


Beth and Carol said...

Loving thoughts and prayers for Elizabeth and good hunting for Robert and kudos for Rob for his help.

Bridget said...

healing healing healing thoughts...
overwhlemed by cuteness....feel better soon!