Monday, April 27, 2009

Be be be be beed... that's all folks.

For those of you playing along at home, I actually graduated (or was graduated, depending on you level of English-analness) Saturday.  And while I usually reserve this blog space for Robert-related stories, I feel the need to post this picture:

Of course, this leads me in somewhat of a quandary, and the identity crisis is already beginning.  "So," people say, "what's next?"  "Do you have a job?"  "What are you looking for?"  I know a few of my many, many (ok, four) readers have recently been in/are in this same situation, so I will throw it out there.  What am I doing next?  I kinda wanted to take the summer off, be home with Robert, organize the closets and spend time at the pool.  Problem is, it has been one day-- ok, 7 hours-- and I'm bored, identity-less, and wondering what the hell am I doing?  I have to go in tomorrow and clean out my office and what am I going to do with that stuff?  How can I not have an office?  How can I not have somewhere to be?  No co-workers?  And, in this economy, where would I even go about getting an office, if I wanted one?!?! One that only wanted me 20 hours a week, with flexible hours and enough moolah to make paying for daycare worthwhile? Arrrrgh!

I realize how whiney this sounds with so many people desperate for work to put food on the table, or desperate to get home in time to at least SEE the baby before he goes to bed.  And if I have learned one thing in the last 18 months, it is that there is no right way to do things, and every decision comes with an opportunity cost.  But, if I may indulge in a little self-analysis right now (and hey, it IS my blog), I have a hard time with transitions.  So any advice, sympathy, or words of encouragement written on the back of a crisp, new Benjamin Franklin and sent my way would be very appreciated!

And just to cover my bases, here is a preview of 17 years from now.  Hopefully I will have figured my work life out by then...
(When they say "one size fits all" on the cap, the really do mean it!)


Unknown said...

Great job, Elizabeth. And a wonderful picture of mom and graduate.


Rachel said...

Congratulations! I can't really offer much advice, but definitely take the summer off.

Anonymous said...

How great both Elizabeths look!
I am so proud of you.
I think a summer off to enjoy whatever you wish is a good idea.


Bridget said...

Congratulations and sympathy for the transition pains. They suck for everyone, but I hope you find a soft landing soon. Take the summer off though- I can agree with that one. No need to rush into an identity. :)