Monday, November 10, 2008

Just another baby blog...

I can't believe I have succumbed  to the pressure, but here goes my first attempt at a blog.  The idea that anything in my life would be of any interest to the greater world (even to friends and family) is sorta inconceivable, but, hey, all the kids are doing it.  And, if nothing else, it is a way to share baby pictures!

For those of you playing along at home, Robert just turned 13 months.  The relationship between toddlerhood and adolescence has been suggested many other places, and let me add my hearty agreement.  My sweet, placid, good-natured baby-- well, who am I kidding, he's still there, but he gets temporarily kidnapped by a tantrum-y, moody, unpredictable toy-thrower who bites.  Hard.  He continues to be huge-- 98th percentile for height, 75th for weight, which makes him taller than he is fat, I guess.  (Thank God for his daddy's genes!)

Ok, as a reward for listening to me blather on, here are some new pics...

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