Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A fun evening

Monday was a big day. We went to the farm to see Grandma and Grandpa Madison and Great Aunt Carol. Despite not taking a nap, Robert did very well and had a lot of fun playing with Tucker (Grandma and Grandpa's dog). He also got to play with wooden blocks for the first time, though Mama and Aunt Carol had more fun building towers and knocking them down than Robert did. I wish I had gotten a picture of Robert putting himself into the box that the blocks were in-- it was pretty funny. Needless to say, he didn't fit.

Then, last night, Aunt Ann and Uncle Jonathan came to visit, along with Jonathan's dad, Al. Al is a great favorite, and we don't get to see him nearly enough. Needless to say, Robert took to him right away. We had fun playing with him and getting some cute pics, and he did very well staying up through dinner and then went to bed in about 2 seconds. Which was nice, since he decided to go to bed right before dessert, and I wanted that cheesecake!

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