Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where in Robert turns 4

Hard to believe, but we've just celebrated Robert's 4th birthday.  We had two parties, the "family party" and the "friends party."  I think next year we'll try to consolidate, because it really is all too much for everyone.

Blowing out candles at the family party-- with a little help from Grandpa.  The candles are considerably bigger than the cupcake.

The theme for the friends party was "Pirates."  We had a good time decorating!

Despite the serious look, he DID have a good time!

Four is proving to have its own set of challenges and blessings.  We are, thank goodness, past potty training, pacifier-less, and now sleeping in the big boy bed-- all in the last month!   And he is so much more independent-- dresses himself, gets his own snacks, etc.  It is really nice.  But also a bit sad.   It is also obvious that he is going to have quite a temper and a will of his own.  There are 9 little boys at daycare and they all are as wild as bugs... I pity their teachers!  Not sure why anyone but me would still be keeping track of this, but he's 42 inches and 38 pounds...  which puts him in about the 75th percentile for weight and the 95th for height... pretty much where he always is.  Clearly, "Moose" is going to continue to be appropriate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, such sweet pictures! I know he has his own ideas about what he wants to do. He's 4!!! Good thing he has such a good mother and daddy.