Thursday, August 13, 2009

Robert's first beheading...

I walked in to the house tonight after shucking (now there's a word you have to type carefully) corn and Rob said to me, "I never knew how inappropriate Tom and Jerry was for kids." So he starts telling me how he was letting Robert watch Tom and Jerry until Jerry (or was it Tom?) started chasing with a meat cleaver the really cute duck and mouse that Robert had been watching . He turned it off right as Jerry (or was it Tom?) was successful at beheading Robert's new little friends. Robert was not best pleased. "More duck n' mouse! More duck n' mouse!" Duck and Mouse were all we heard all evening until the corn on the cob arrived at the table. Then it was "more corn, more corn" but somehow I don't have the same soft spot in my heart for the corn as I did for the little animated duck and mouse...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh,my! I heard peopl;e say that comics were not all that good for teaching brotherly love....but this sounds extreme. I thought beheading never happened....just came close. Boo on Tom and Jerry!!!!