Monday, April 27, 2009

Be be be be beed... that's all folks.

For those of you playing along at home, I actually graduated (or was graduated, depending on you level of English-analness) Saturday.  And while I usually reserve this blog space for Robert-related stories, I feel the need to post this picture:

Of course, this leads me in somewhat of a quandary, and the identity crisis is already beginning.  "So," people say, "what's next?"  "Do you have a job?"  "What are you looking for?"  I know a few of my many, many (ok, four) readers have recently been in/are in this same situation, so I will throw it out there.  What am I doing next?  I kinda wanted to take the summer off, be home with Robert, organize the closets and spend time at the pool.  Problem is, it has been one day-- ok, 7 hours-- and I'm bored, identity-less, and wondering what the hell am I doing?  I have to go in tomorrow and clean out my office and what am I going to do with that stuff?  How can I not have an office?  How can I not have somewhere to be?  No co-workers?  And, in this economy, where would I even go about getting an office, if I wanted one?!?! One that only wanted me 20 hours a week, with flexible hours and enough moolah to make paying for daycare worthwhile? Arrrrgh!

I realize how whiney this sounds with so many people desperate for work to put food on the table, or desperate to get home in time to at least SEE the baby before he goes to bed.  And if I have learned one thing in the last 18 months, it is that there is no right way to do things, and every decision comes with an opportunity cost.  But, if I may indulge in a little self-analysis right now (and hey, it IS my blog), I have a hard time with transitions.  So any advice, sympathy, or words of encouragement written on the back of a crisp, new Benjamin Franklin and sent my way would be very appreciated!

And just to cover my bases, here is a preview of 17 years from now.  Hopefully I will have figured my work life out by then...
(When they say "one size fits all" on the cap, the really do mean it!)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Two words

We've been anxiously awaiting the language explosion that the books keep talking about, and I think it might be upon us.  Today, at Robert's gymnastics class, he was playing in the ball pit.  (Exactly how that is gymnastics I don't know, but it's just supposed to be fun.)  He held up a green ball and said "Green ball."  And then proceeded to name all the other colors (including orange!) in the ball pit.  Guess it is time to start watching our language!  Oh, er, rats!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

All's quiet on the Pittsburgh front

It has been a very hectic week here as I've tried to finish up all the last minute details for graduation, so I haven't been very bloggy.  Robert is doing much, much better and the antibiotics seem to be doing their job.  I was quite irritated today to learn (and I've done some research on the web to confirm this) that the Omnicef that he's taking for the sinus infection/cellulitis will also treat the pink eye that I have been giving him drops 3 times a day for a week for.  I suppose the pediatrician just thought it would be fun for me to unnecessarily torture my 18 month old with drops-- or she skipped pharmacology in med school.   I'm not sure which scenario makes me more unhappy.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Robert woke up this morning with his left eye swollen shut.  After a hasty phone call with the pediatrician (ok, I freaked out) we got him scheduled in for an appointment this morning.  He has prefrontal cellulitis, brought on by (another) sinus infection, which can turn into something serious.  So we're back on antibiotics (there should be a frequent flyer card) and hoping for improvements soon.  Poor little dude looks like the elephant man right now (which might be an insult to the elephant man) but he's being a stand up baby about the whole thing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wrapping up Easter

Rob's dad just sent the Easter pictures and they make me so sorry I missed Easter morning.  Robert got to "find" the Easter basket. Somehow, I don't think it was too challenging, but give Rob's parents time because those people are the most maniacal  Easter basket hiders of all time.  One time Rob's was up the chimney, another it was in the trash.  The last time they hid a basket for us (which was, er, 2 years ago), it was hung on an hanger under an old Halloween costume in one of the 7 closets in their house.  These people are gifted-- or evil.  But anyway, they let Robert off easy this year and he quickly discovered the basket.

Even though Mama doesn't think that 18 month olds need to eat candy, but I have a feeling that what happened in Lancaster stayed in Lancaster.  Except for the photographic evidence. 

On the upside, I don't think that he looks like he's enjoying it very much.  Which means more candy for us!  Score!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A placeholder post while we wait for the Easter Bunny to come

Rob and Robert are in Lancaster at Rob's folks for Easter.  I'm home with this fever-thing still, so I don't have any Easter pics yet to put up.  But, we've been better about taking pictures recently, so I thought I'd just throw out a couple random pics until the boys (and the camera) come home...  Also, I need to show off his new haircut, courtesy of Salon de Mama.  Nick Arrojo may not be quaking in his boots, but it was free and, I am most proud to say, completely tear-free.  Which is more than the local barber can say on either count.  

I went home about a month ago to give Rob a couple of days at home by himself (which we have discovered to be the ultimate luxury).  Robert had a very good time making Grandpa read him silly books over and over (and over)...
Last weekend, Rob's parents came for a comando-style new front door install.  It was an in-and-out trip, but probably would have gone much faster if Robert hadn't been such a "help."
And just because I think it is fun to see how much he's changed, here's a picture from  a year ago, when I had a 6 month old, not an 18 month old!  I wish I could go back and kiss those little cheeks for just a minute...  but we are finding life with a toddler to be much more manageable (and interesting) than life with an infant.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

The first of the ridiculously cute Easter posts

Easter is in the air and I never fully appreciated before how many opportunities for adorableness the holiday presented.  On Saturday our town had its annual easter egg hunt where the kiddies all go to the park and "hunt" for easter eggs.  I use the term hunt loosely, since the very flat field has been carpet-bombed with about six million plastic easter eggs, and even a goldfish could find a few to float around in its bowl.  No word from Al Gore on the carbon footprint of this event, but we saved our eggs and will take them back for next year. Anyway, Rob took Robert (since I'm still battling this fever-whatever-thing) and they had a good time.

An unexpected bonus from the egg hunt was that the eggs were filled with toys and candy.  Now the toys were highly unsuitable for the under 3 crowd, so they got pitched, but I had no problem eating the candy.   Hey, I brush my teeth without complaining or biting, so I get candy.  One of these days, he's going to figure that out.

Today, at Parent's Morning Out (aren't we progressive?!?) Robert colored his first easter egg.  Now, I have long said that this church has the best possible children's programming offered anywhere, by the best, most loving people.  Today, I would like to either add "saint-like" or "crazy" to that description.  Seriously, who colors eggs with 10 infants and toddlers?  But Robert was very, very proud of his little egg, and honestly, I think it's pretty cute too!

A few people have made it a point to ask, so let me just say that yes, I did successfully defend my dissertation (thank you for caring).  I am hoping to be able to get the changes made and the paperwork pushed through in time for April graduation, but at this point that is going to depend on what course the fever takes.  We're coming up on 3 weeks of being sick, and if it doesn't end soon I am going to probably not get a chance to finish in time.  So, while I usually just talk about Robert here, I'd ask for healing thoughts to be sent my way, if you have a moment to spare.  And Rob could probably use some extra time and patience thrown his way, since he's had to pick up a lot of the slack around here.   This last month has made me feel incredible sympathy for single parents, who surely have the hardest job in the world.

It's just Monday, so stay tuned for the continuation of Easter cuteness!