Monday, March 23, 2009

Ride 'em Duckboy

Robert got a wonderful surprise in the mail this week from his godmother Tara.   I'm sorry she didn't get to actually see him on this (it came the day after she left to go to SXSW) but here is a little video of him enjoying his new gift:

Thank you Aunt Tara.  Come see us again soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Robert got an amazing St. Patrick's Day gift today from his godmother Tara.  I'll have to put pictures up as soon as I get them, but this was a picture from  a similar scene earlier this week, with a different box:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th!

Here at Moose Manner we are the proud owners of a brand new 17-month-old Moose.  Yea!  The days just go faster and faster.  Robert continues to be a very happy, easy going child (recessive genes, apparently) and really a delight to be around.  He's sleeping great-- 13 hours at night, 2 during the day-- and eating like a little piggy.  This week I made a 3 egg, two piece of cheese omelet, thinking we would share it, and he at the whole thing.  And then a cup of applesauce!  
Wish I had some funny things he said to report, but he's still not talking very much.  He's starting to repeat words, but mostly only says people's names (he's started saying "Grandma" and "Grandpa," though, to be fair, not necessarily in connection with said grandparents) and animal sounds. I will try to get a video of him making the chicken noise because he does the little arm movements too.   

We've been going to a gym class (Diaper Gym) for about a year, and he really loves it.  Here are a couple pics from a recent (ok, judging by the hearts, a not-so-recent) session... 
Gym class has been really good for him, though if I had to do it all over again I might not have started him quite so early.  He is just now really getting into climbing up ladders, walking across beams, etc.  He doesn't like to swing on the trapezes, but does like to flip on the bar.  Of course, I don't have pictures of any of that stuff, because I can't hold onto him and the camera at the same time!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well, it hasn't been quite a month...

Sorry for the lack of communication.  My dissertation goes to the full committee tomorrow in preparation for the defense March 20, so I've been a little busy.  And I've misplaced our camera, so I don't even have any good pics to put up.  

Robert is doing well and transitioned to the toddler room at daycare about 3 weeks ago.  It's been a little bit of a rough go since he is the youngest in the class, but he's learning to eat when food is available and hold out for nap a little bit longer.  He's starting to repeat words, and is very into making animal sounds.  Except for "oink," which he just can't seem to figure out, so he "baaas" for the pig too.  Which really makes no sense unless you know that the pig is directly after the sheep page in the Touch and Feel Farm Animal book.  And even then I'm not so sure...