Tuesday, August 18, 2009

well now, that's a first...

So, Robert has been talking more and more and it comes out in really funny ways sometimes. The last week or so, as we've been reading our two books before bed at night, when I finish a book he says "one more book?" in an effort to delay going to bed (which is also new-- he used to LOVE going to bed.) Tonight as I finished singing him a song he looked up at me and said "One more song?" Now, no one on the face of the earth has ever asked me to KEEP singing-- this kid is either tone deaf or really desperate not to go to bed.

But it was so cute that he did get "one more song."

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our first trip to Idlewild

Robert and I went to Idlewild today. I hadn't been there in, well, I think Andrew, Kevin, and Sam were 8, 6, and 4, so that was what, 14 years ago? I am happy to report that nothing has changed in the intervening time except that I got older. Anyway, we had a great time after I figured out that putting my 22-month-old child on the rides by himself was only going to end in tears and emergency stoppage and rescuing. We rode a couple rides together, and I figure it won't take more than a couple years in therapy to work out the neuroses I created today.
First ride, right before it all went terribly wrong.

We rode the little train around the park and he LOVED that. And we got a couple good pics, which I loved.

Best picture of me taken in a long time... too bad Robert looked so cranky, but he had just literally had the you-know-what scared out of him.

But 5 minutes on the train makes it all better.

We had lunch and then went to the waterpark. Now, there is a reason why Idlewild has been voted the second best park for kids in the world; the waterpark was huge and fantastic, and had a great little kids's area. Robert wasn't sure about it at first, but he warmed up to it fast.

See you next year, Idlewild. We will definitely be back!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Robert's first beheading...

I walked in to the house tonight after shucking (now there's a word you have to type carefully) corn and Rob said to me, "I never knew how inappropriate Tom and Jerry was for kids." So he starts telling me how he was letting Robert watch Tom and Jerry until Jerry (or was it Tom?) started chasing with a meat cleaver the really cute duck and mouse that Robert had been watching . He turned it off right as Jerry (or was it Tom?) was successful at beheading Robert's new little friends. Robert was not best pleased. "More duck n' mouse! More duck n' mouse!" Duck and Mouse were all we heard all evening until the corn on the cob arrived at the table. Then it was "more corn, more corn" but somehow I don't have the same soft spot in my heart for the corn as I did for the little animated duck and mouse...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Insert title here

It has finally come to a bulleted post.

  • Robert is singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Ring Around the Rosie" now, complete with hand gestures and falling down at the end. It is very cute, except that he insists on singing them in the grocery store and on me singing too. The other shoppers just LOVE this.
  • We gave him shrimp tonight for dinner and he didn't immediately go into anaphylactic shock. I think this means we are officially clear of any of the food allergies, though I know they can develop later. I made them give him peanut butter for the first time at school, since they have an epi pen and a defibrillator there. I am such a wuss.
  • He is growing out of his sandals (that were SO big in May) and I am too cheap to buy him new ones. I guess we'll hope for an early fall!
  • He insists on saying "hi" to everyone he sees, and continues to repeat it more and more loudly until they respond to him. This gets very old at the store.
OK, now for a pictures:

Blowing bubbles with Grandma at the farm

At the zoo...

Sleeping with his three favorite things, "baba," "Doogas," and "gof cub"