Saturday, May 29, 2010

Best. Quote. Ever.

On the phone tonight, as I was saying good bye to Robert, he said (and I am NOT making this up), "I love you.  See you soon.  Everybody poops."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just so I don't forget

I keep meaning to write down some of the cute things that Robert says in his baby book because I know I will forget them when he moves on to the next cute thing.  I also mean to post more here, so two birds+ one stone= this blog post.  If you are just looking for pictures, then scroll down.

Two of our favorites right now are "I no wanna be sack-mo-tatoes" when he gets thrown bodily over someone's shoulder (we've decided that "Sack-mo-tatoes" should be Robert's Native American name), which is so cute we often make him the sack of potatoes just to hear him protest, and "May I peas be a goose" which is what "May I please be excused" sounded like the first few times he said it and we've laughed so hard at it that now he'll probably never say it correctly.  Another of his current greatest hits is, "No, I wanna make GOOD choices" which invariably comes 10 seconds after a very BAD choice for which a consequence is afoot.    He also apparently thinks that Rob and I are total narcissists, because he sings the Barney theme song (yes, Barney.  Ugh.) as "You love you, You love me."  I don't have the heart to correct him-- at least, until I get him on video at least once.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A boy and (someone else's) dog

Robert had the double treat today of Uncle Jonathan AND his favorite giant dog, Mabel.  Much cuteness ensued.